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Culture Bucket List
- Meet Aborigines tribespeople
- Attend a Renaissance Faire
- Read to children at a public library
- Make jewelry with a Native American tribe
- Watch a performance in the Sydney Opera House
- Sing karaoke in a south Asian bar
- Watch all of Kevin Smith’s movies
- Attend a gay pride parade
- Attend an LGBT rights protest
- Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
- Use a squat toilet in Asia
- Use an outhouse in Appalachia
- Watch all of Wes Anderson’s movies
- Watch all of Spike Lee’s movies
- Attend a local city hall meeting
- Join the Anishinaabeg in their yearly Nibi Water Walk
- See live jazz & rock bands in New Orleans
- Become pen pals with a prison inmate
- Learn the basic history of your home state/province/region
- Visit a church/mosque/temple/etc. of an unfamiliar religion at least 3 times
- Demand other sex education options in local high schools besides abstinence-only programs
- Get to know your city councilpersons personally
- Participate in community theatre for a season
- Help found a commun
What do you think of this bucket list? What caught your eye? What’s missing?