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Bucket List: Achievement
- Gain dual citizenship in Canada
- Read all of Plato’s books
- Star in an infomercial
- Climb Mt. Everest
- Guest star in a tv show
- Be a midwife/assist delivering a baby
- Sing the National Anthem at a sports event
- Become first female president
- Earn a TEFL certificate
- Earn a certificate from a vocational school for something practical
- Star in a movie
- Get a full ride scholarship to college (undergrad or grad)
- Earn a Master’s Degree
- Earn a PhD
- Buy a house
- Open a golf course
- Start a small business
- Tell a kid the truth about Santa Claus, tooth fairy, etc.
- Star in a Japanese commercial
- Graduate from massage therapy school
- Live by yourself for at least 1 year
- Sign the Yellow house in the Heidelberg Project in Detroit, MI
- Convince a stranger they know you
- Go one full week without meat
- Own the smallest amount of possessions necessary
- Win prize from a crane machine and then give it to a random kid
- Graduate college
- Avoid marriage altogether or at least until you are satisfied with individual experiences and accomplishments
- Meet a celebrity
- Successfully haggle with a street vendor in South Asia
- Go a full week without television
- Prevent a suicide
- Be someone’s best man/maid of honor
- Open a bar in Costa Rica
- Appear on national television for at least 10 minutes
- Get an article published in a journal
- Volunteer in a “polar plunge”
- Officiate a wedding
- Become a godparent
- Read an entire book series
What do you think of this bucket list? What caught your eye? What’s missing?