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A Bucket List Just for Fun
- Make a mechanical engineer work on a car they designed
- Buy a friend a sex toy gift basket for their birthday
- Smoke a menthol cigarette in the brisk winter air
- Ride a donkey up a mountain trail with Juan Valdez
- Host a séance
- Get beads at Mardi gras
- See what being water boarded feels like
- Get a cool scar
- Smoke a bidi cigarette from India
- Facilitate the surprise meeting of a military parent and their family
- Take part in an experimental testing of a new medicine or medical procedure
- Read someone’s tarot cards
- Actually slip on a banana peel
- Avoid “baby talking” children; talk to them like adults
- Send someone a telegram
- Call someone a jive turkey
- Leave notes with nice compliments in random places for strangers to find
- Marry yourself
- Have a psychic reading done
- Buy a porn magazine from a magazine vending machine
- Buy used panties from a vending machine in Japan
- Be an Elvis or Prince impersonator for a weekend
- Drive cross country
- Name your flask
- Try an oxygen bar in Las Vegas
- Receive acupuncture
- Be a workaway host
- Convince your dentist to give you a dose of nitrous gas at a regular check up
- Meet Anthony Bourdain and buy him a drink
- Mail an envelope of glitter to the worst boss you’ve ever had
- Convince people you are a time traveler from the past; act confused by everything
- Found an official holiday
- Learn the language that Leeloo speaks in “The Fifth Element”
- Leave a convincing treasure map in your romantic interest’s mailbox that leads to your bedroom
- Buy a private island, make yourself a king/queen
- Carry Danny Devito on your shoulders like a drunk woman at a Kid Rock concert
- Make waterbeds popular again
- Stay in a seedy motel for a weekend
- Buy out all the tickets to a concert then don’t show up
- Drink expensive champagne in a hot tub in the back of a limo
- Meet a Columbian drug lord
- Get a blood transfusion to legally, biologically become a part of the English royal family
- Be cryogenically frozen
- Become a real life superhero
- Go to a restaurant, pretend you have been stood up to get your meal for free
- Jump the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle
- Read someone else’s palms
- Be followed on Twitter by at least 5 celebrities
- Eat at a Nyotaimori dinner
- Continually & invalidly reference Star Trek as if it were Star Wars while talking to an avid Star Wars fan
- Collect antique iron cast skillets
- Buy a bar globe
- Go one day without complaining about anything
- Photobomb a stranger’s selfie with a surprise kiss on the cheek
- Slightly rearrange your neighbors’ yard decorations every night; see how long it takes them to notice
- Offer a cop free donuts
- Crash a fraternity/sorority party, convince them you are a long-lost alumni
- Call into the Washington Journal with substantial insight
- Slow dance with a stranger
- Go 24 days without bathing; preserve pheromones in a vial & market vial samples to perfumers
- Buy someone else a gift on your birthday
- Reset all the clocks at a formal house party to different times
- Make the “garlic powder challenge” more popular than the “cinnamon challenge”
- Receive a professional enema
What do you think of this bucket list? What caught your eye? What’s missing?