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Bucket List: Animals
- Shear sheep
- Milk a cow
- Ride a horse
- Let a pack of wolves raise your kid
- Build a bee house
- Find Bigfoot
- Ride a donkey with Juan Valdez
- Swim with Dolphins
- March with penguins
- Assist a cow in birth
- See one of Australia’s spider wasps
- Potty train a cat
- Do a study on local species
- Bottle feed kittens
- Ride a whale
- Try animal hunting
- Volunteer at a monkey sanctuary in Africa or South Asia
- Volunteer at a shark conservation in Fiji or South Africa
- Adopt an older shelter dog to offer them a loving home for their last few years
- Hold a nonvenomous snake
- Raise an abandoned baby animal
- Feed a lion from hand
- Pet an elephant
- Feed a giraffe
What do you think of this bucket list? What caught your eye? What’s missing?